PROTECTING our children from LGBTIQA+ cultural indoctrination must become the priority of civil society.
Earlier this week I blogged about the obscene dildo-flashing “rainbow butt monkey” who was invited to read to children at a London library.
It turns out that this is not the first time Redbridge Libraries have sought to indoctrinate little children with LGBTIQA+ sexual mores.
The UK’s Spiked Online reported:
This is not the first dodgy decision taken by Redbridge Libraries. On 3 February, it hosted a drag queen known as Mama G for LGBT+ History month. The event was advertised as ‘sharing stories and songs that celebrate being who you are and loving who you want’. Which sounds innocuous enough.
But Mama G has hit the headlines before, most notably in Devon in 2019, when parents were angered that he had taught a pre-school audience how to twerk. The case was just one in what has become a long line of reports about drag queens indulging in inappropriate behaviour at LGBT events aimed at kids. At libraries, as elsewhere, it seems due diligence is out, and adult-themed entertainers are in.
Similar is happening in Australia with LGBTIQA+ adult entertainer and gender fluid role models being placed in front of children at public library story time events.
Children need protection from the values (or lack thereof) of the mardi gras, not exposure to it in public libraries.
The Christian Democratic Party is fighting to convince politicians to take this seriously. How you cast your vote at the next election can help focus their minds on protecting children.
Lyle Shelton is Director of Campaigns and Communications for the Christian Democratic Party. The Reverend Honourable Fred Nile MLC has nominated Lyle to succeed him in the NSW Parliament when he retires in November. To keep in touch with Lyle and the CDP, sign up here.