How Westpac’s PC virtue signalling missed true virtue
Junking the idea of morality has dulled the senses of even captains of industry.
Read moreThere is no climate emergency
The anarchists on our streets are deluded. It's time we stopped believing them.
Read moreThe gods must be angry
The UN is using Greta to sell what Labor could not.
Read moreThreatening their power might be the only way to keep ours on
It's eight days since the LNP declared its policy was for a "future beyond coal". The continued confusing messages and big talk and no action from well-intentioned Coalition politicians has prompted me to release this statement. We simply have to get common sense back into the energy debate.
Read moreWhy is Asia allowed cheap electricity fired by Queensland coal but we are not?
It’s day six of the great coal rift in the Queensland Liberal National Party.
Read moreWhat a disappointed LNP member says about "future beyond coal"
Here is an email exchange between me and an active LNP member. I've been given permission to re-publish this email in the interests of exposing the deep frustration at grassroots level.
Read moreLNP coal rift drives electricity prices up, reliability down & jobs offshore
After another day of mixed messages from the Coalition on coal, I issued this media release this morning.
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