Turnbull sacked for telling the truth about what he believes
Turnbull told the truth but don't expect Matt Kean and the NSW Government to do the same.
Read moreChina full-steam ahead on coal power as protestors demand windmills to stop bushfires
China alone will exceed the UN’s global limits on coal emissions, what we do is futile.
Read moreOur last best hope - my Kenmore address
Yesterday Joanna Lindgren, one of my Senate running mates, and I addressed a gathering of 70 Conservative Party supporters at the Kenmore Hotel in Brisbane. We spoke of why Australia needs a better way and how genuine Conservatives in the Senate can be a force for good. Here is The Brisbane Times' coverage of our speeches. You can read the full text of my address below.
Read moreGreens' influence a sovereign risk to jobs, economy
The Greens lead, Labor and the LNP follow. The Greens must be stopped.
Read moreThreatening their power might be the only way to keep ours on
It's eight days since the LNP declared its policy was for a "future beyond coal". The continued confusing messages and big talk and no action from well-intentioned Coalition politicians has prompted me to release this statement. We simply have to get common sense back into the energy debate.
Read moreWhat a disappointed LNP member says about "future beyond coal"
Here is an email exchange between me and an active LNP member. I've been given permission to re-publish this email in the interests of exposing the deep frustration at grassroots level.
Read more