What happened to Christian schools at 5am in Parliament
“The removal of these provisions raises the potential of discrimination claims being made merely on the basis of what is taught in a faith-based school.” – Email from the Christian Schools Alliance
Read moreSaving girl’s and women’s sport should be core business
If the Coalition won’t fix this, who will?
Read moreLibs, Nats and the politics of net zero courage
Watching the Liberals and Nationals roll over on net zero is reminiscent of watching them roll over on same-sex marriage.
Read morePerrottet’s Christian values welcome, but Liberal “moderates” hide in plain sight
It’s the radicals within that make the Liberal Party problematic for Christians.
Read moreLiberals expel Christians
“The message to Christians coming out of the Liberal Party in South Australia is clear: ‘You are not welcome.’ ” Tony Pasin, Liberal MP
Read moreProposed law to save babies born alive after botched abortions
“I am asking my parliamentary colleagues, and in fact, our entire community to consider the painful question: ‘what happens to a child born alive during a late term abortion?’ The uncomfortable truth is that the child is left to die.” – George Christensen
Read moreHow The Australian’s “hard right flank” disappeared
Kevin Andrews will be missed.
Read moreSA Libs trash their brand with abortion-to-birth bill
The Liberal Party is not of the radical left. – Senator Alex Antic
Read moreReligious freedom bill needed to deal with consequences of same-sex marriage
It’s D-Day for freedom in Australia.
Read moreMeet Australia’s most radical social reformer & his conservative helpers
Women are the losers from Alex Greenwich's reforms. Sadly, conservatives helped him achieve his biggest wins.
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