In our current political muddle, we can’t assume anything

Australia faces economic, political and social crises all of which our major parties seem incapable of addressing.

On the economic front, the only thing certain about our energy future is its increasing unaffordability.

As the Prime Minister and Energy Minister beg AGL not to close the massive Liddell power station in the Hunter Valley, its seems like no one has planned how the lights might be kept on.

Surely it is axiomatic that closing down power stations in the Hunter and Latrobe valleys will require replacement generation capacity.

Was anyone in the political class thinking?

But in our current political muddle, we can’t assume anything.

Fifteen years of climate ideology has given a country with some of the world’s most abundant natural resources the world’s highest electricity prices.

As 90 per cent of our coal is exported, we are trashing our natural competitive advantage.

We are short-changing the economic prosperity of our nation for no good reason.

By 2030 taxpayer subsidies for renewable energy will have reached between $20-$30 billion.

All this as our government debt is hurtles towards $750 billion.

From no debt in 2007 when John Howard and Peter Costello vacated the treasury benches, the greatest act of intergeneration theft has been perpetrated on our children in just 10 years.

Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg says there should be no subsidies for coal and yet the government keeps putting money on the nation’s credit card to pay for renewables which do not guarantee future electricity supply.

Why not turn-off the taxpayer subsidies for renewables and let them compete with High Efficiency, Low Emissions coal-fired power stations?

Why not lift the prohibition on the use of nuclear fuel for the generation of electricity?

Australian Conservatives leader Senator Cory Bernardi will introduce a bill for this into the Senate next month.

Let’s hope it does not go the way of his debt ceiling restoration bill.

On the social front, more than 50,000 children are living in out of home care because extreme family dysfunction means it is not safe for them to live at home.

Toddlers continue to be raped in the Northern Territory. We have redefined marriage so that we can no longer preference mothering and fathering in public policy.

It is not politically correct to talk about the natural family for fear of creating offense to identity groups.

Freedom of speech and freedom of religion, once considered pillars of the West were trashed beneath the all-conquering rainbow flag with the support of the Liberals and Nationals.

Next month’s release of the Ruddock Review recommendations into religious freedom will mean nothing unless there is the political will to legislate to protect freedom of speech and freedom of religion from anti-discrimination law which has been weaponised by the passing of same-sex marriage.

On the political front no less than four Coalition MPs have indicated they would like to become Prime Minister one day – Josh Frydenberg, Peter Dutton, Julie Bishop and Scott Morrison.

In the context of Malcolm Turnbull’s 30th Newspoll loss, the measure he used to justify knifing Tony Abbott, this sort of public musing is damaging stuff.

Sadly, the Coalition is torn between its conservatives and the dominate “winners’ circle” of Christopher Pyne and his so-called “moderates”.

I put the term “moderates” in scare quotes because there is nothing moderate about teaching children their gender is fluid through radical programs like “Safe Schools”, which was protected by Christopher Pyne.

There is nothing moderate about redefining marriage and family and the use of this term to describe people who support such policies does an injustice to the English language.

Having passed the dreaded 30th Newspoll loss, both Barnaby Joyce and Tony Abbott have set a Christmas deadline for Mr Turnbull to improve or else.

The Coalition is in a leadership crisis, having lost its conservative, common sense moorings.

It is tearing itself apart because it does not know what it believes in anymore.

Apart from Divine intervention (and I am one who believes in this), Australian Conservatives’ mission to make conservative politics better by drawing the Liberals and the Nationals back to the centre is our nation’s only hope.