NSW Govt backs experimental gender treatment of children.
The New South Wales Coalition Government supports experimental gender treatments on children which can lead to life-long infertility and other irreversible side effects.
This was confirmed yesterday in an answer to a question on notice from the Reverend Honourable Fred Nile.
Asked why the government was refusing to comment on media reporting of local and international experts’ concern about such treatment on children, the Health Minister Brad Hazzard said: “NSW Health supports practice that is consistent with advice from the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) on care and treatment for children and adolescents with gender dysphoria”.
Sadly, the RACP supports plying gender-confused children with puberty blockers and cross sex hormones and has rejected calls for a national public inquiry into controversial experimental gender treatments.
Five teenage girls, two aged 15, have had double mastectomies as a result of so-called “gender affirmation” treatment.
The Christian Democratic Party is working on a bill, modelled on similar laws passed in the United States, that would ban treatments on children that lead to chemical and surgical castration of them.
The CDP believes children who think they might have been born in the wrong body should be given love and support, not chemicals or surgery which can have life-long effects.
The Health Minister’s full answer to Rev Nile’s question can be found here (scroll to *5627 on page 3 of the pdf file).
Lyle Shelton is Director of Campaigns and Communications for the Christian Democratic Party. The Reverend Honourable Fred Nile MLC has nominated Lyle to succeed him in the NSW Parliament when he retires in November. To keep in touch with Lyle and the CDP, sign up here.