Labels of “bigot” and “right wing extremist” are the resort of people who don’t have the intellectual capacity to mount a logical argument.
Bravo to Robbie Katter for moving a motion in the Queensland Parliament to save women’s and girls’ sport from the intrusion of biological males identifying as female.
For his trouble the Labor party branded him “extreme right wing” and “bigoted” but mainstream Australia is overwhelmingly supportive as the Courier Mail’s on-line poll shows.
The LNP opposition voted in favour of the motion which was lost in the Parliament 49 votes to 33.
However the LNP parliamentarians chose to be silent on the issue, declining the usual opportunity to speak to the motion and explain why they supported it.
Silence from their political representatives is why social conservatives always lose political debates. Liberals and Nationals are more worried about placating the politically correct press pack.
Asked by woke journalists why the LNP voted for the Katter's Australia Party (KAP) motion, Opposition Leader David Crisafulli said the motion was “reasonable” but not a “priority”.
The trouble with the LNP is that mainstream concern about woke culture is never a priority, and that is why its base of social conservatives continues to drift to minor parties like the Katters who have the courage to say what most people are thinking.
Even federal Labor knows support for “save women’s sports” campaigner and Warringah Liberal candidate Katherine Deves is resonating with mainstream Australians.
The Sydney Morning Herald columnist Chris Uhlmann recently wrote: As one Labor strategist said, “this is not a 60/40 split, it’s 90/10 in Deves’ favour”.
But that didn’t stop Labor’s rainbow-ideology-kowtowing sports minister Stirling Hinchliffe saying Katter’s motion was “extreme rightwing trope”, accusing KAP of being motivated “to cause fear and division”.
“I’m surprised … [the KAP is] using the relatively rare private member’s motion opportunity on this issue, rather than something more relevant to Queensland,” he said in parliament on Wednesday.
“The Palaszczuk government has been supportive of funding these core issues of women in sport, however … it’s not the role of the state to determine who can and cannot play sport based on any factor, including gender.”
The Greens member for Maiwar, Michael Berkman, labelled it “disgusting, conservative dog-whistling politics”.
Mums and Dads worried about their daughters being smashed by blokes wearing dresses just see it as commonsense.
Bizarrely, South Brisbane Greens MP Amy MacMahon, said the motion was not about women’s rights, but about misogyny.
But what could be more misogynist than a girl missing out on a place in a representative squad because a male identifying as a female beat her.
“Sports is for everyone,” she told parliament. Except the girls who miss out.
Matilda Alexander, patron of the taxpayer-funded LGBTI legal service which is representing the drag queens suing me in an anti-free speech case, said “any motion to promote discrimination … is irresponsible and has the potential to divide and harm vulnerable people in our community”.
No one of course wants to see people struggling with their gender identity harmed.
But allowing biological males to compete against girls and women and enter their showers and changing facilities will make girls and women vulnerable.
It’s a shame the LNP did not find their voices in Parliament but good on the Katter boys (forgive the gendered language) for having the courage.
Labels of “bigot” and “right wing extremist” are the resort of people who don’t have the intellectual capacity to mount a logical argument.
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