Queensland should not reward souther states for following the policies of the green-left.
The Conservative Party today renewed its call to cut the interconnector to New South Wales until it and Victoria shore up their electricity supply with dispatchable power.
Queensland Senate candidate Lyle Shelton said no more electricity should go to the southern states unless they commit to build more coal-fired power stations.
“The lights went out in Victoria because they closed their biggest power plant, the coal fired Hazelwood station in the Latrobe Valley, and did not replace it.
“Why should Queenslanders reward the reckless behaviour of southern green-left governments who have closed 10 coal-fired power stations in six years without replacing their base-load power generating capacity?
“With the coal-depleted wind and solar-infused national grid unable to cope anymore, it is time to put Queensland’s electricity needs first.”
Mr Shelton said NSW would soon face Victorian-style blackouts when the giant Liddell station in the Hunter Valley closes in 2022, again without its dispatchable generating capacity being replaced.
“Conservatives want to see the Morrison Government re-elected and the best way to achieve this would be for the Prime Minister to announce new coal-fired power stations, a lifting of the ban on nuclear energy and an exit from the United Nations’ Paris agreement.”
Media Contact Lyle Shelton [email protected]