How can Australia be “white supremist” for wanting to defend the freedoms of the yellow-skinned people of Taiwan?
When an external enemy hell-bent on a hot war throws back at us the rhetoric of our own home-grown cultural Marxists, surely it is time to start dealing with the enemy within.
An entire generation of Australian children and university students have been brainwashed into believing they have been raised in a “white supremacist” culture thanks to our “inherent racism”, a hangover from our “evil” colonial past.
This grossly distorted view is egged on of course by the taxpayer-funded ABC and other left-wing media.
So when a general of the Chinese Communist Party’s so-called Peoples’ Liberation Army repeats what their teachers, university professors and the mainstream media have taught them, Australian young people are going to have to decide whose side they are on.
Because that is exactly what happened today.
Major-General Jin Yinan said Australia’s concern for the freedom of Taiwan was motivated by our “white supremacy”.
I hope the post-modern soup our young peoples’ minds have been marinating in for the past 40 years doesn’t dull their senses so much that they can’t see the irony of this statement.
How can Australia be “white supremist” for wanting to defend the freedoms of the yellow-skinned people of Taiwan?
Our preparedness to support the US and other freedom-loving nations in defending an Asian democracy against an evil empire is colour-blind. It is principled, because strong principles about the right to freedom of humankind is the inheritance of our Western culture.
Sadly this is daily white-anted by our education system and the ABC.
The ridiculousness of this CCP thug’s statement should be self-evident, along with the intellectual bankruptcy of the cultural Marxism which has infected our schools, universities and cultural elites.
If Australia and the United States don’t stand up to the CCP, who will?
Let’s hope the confused minds of our youth are not watching Major-General Jin Yinan’s comments thinking “yeah but he has a point, we really are infected with unconscious bias”.
Our education system needs a complete overhaul beginning in our teachers’ colleges.
This is not about whitewashing (my unconscious bias is now showing) the sins of our past but helping children and young people see that the gift of the West is its capacity for self-reflection and self-correction.
That’s why we are a great nation today and why we should be proud of who we are.
Major-General Jin Yinan and our home-grown leftists don’t believe that and that suits the CCP just fine as they beat the drums of war.