Woke Disney is not for kids

Woke Disney is not for kids

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual concepts are adult concepts that should not be used to disrupt the innocence of childhood.

Disney wants to step up its induction of little children into the sexualised and gender fluid LGBTIQA+ lifestyle.

Once a safe place offering harmless and wholesome children’s entertainment by the likes of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, Disney is now not for kids.

Karey Burke, president of Disney’s General Entertainment Content, was captured in a recorded Zoom call saying she wanted more LGBTIQA+ lead characters in children’s entertainment.

“I’m here as a mother of two queer children, actually,” Burke said on the call.

“One transgender child and one pansexual child, and also as a leader.”

Karey seems oblivious to the concerns of mainstream parents who do not want their children taught sexual concepts or indoctrinated into harmful gender fluid ideology when they are on their iPads.

“We have many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories and yet we don’t have enough leads and narratives in which gay characters just get to be characters and not have to be about gay stories.”

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual concepts are adult concepts that should not be used to disrupt the innocence of childhood.

How a children’s entertainment company founded by Walt Disney has come to this is testament to the infiltration of society by radical activists out of step with mainstream mums and dads.

Another Disney employee on the same Zoom call, “diversity and inclusion” manager Vivian Ware, said:

“Last summer we removed all gendered greetings in relationship to our live spiels.

“So, we no longer say ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls … It’s hello everyone or hello friends.”

What boys and girls are meant to make of this brave new gender fluid world is anyone’s guess.

What we do know is that confused children are presenting in epidemic numbers at gender clinics where they are prescribed puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and irreversible surgery.

Disney is not for kids.

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