Today marks one year until the next State election.
Today marks one year until the next Queensland election.
It’s timely to pause and consider why the Palaszczuk-Trad Government must go.
In short, it is a government that is ripping apart the social and economic fabric of Australia’s greatest state.
Here’s a brief rap sheet:
Abortion all the way to birth laws. They rejected protection for women being coerced by men to kill their babies (examples abound, including from famous footy “stars”), refused to outlaw sex-selection abortion of baby girls (common in some ethic communities), refused to tone it down by at least protecting unborn babies able to survive outside the womb. No, Trad insisted it had to be open slather. She celebrated the anniversary of the law passing with a party, I kid you not.
Compulsory gender fluid indoctrination of all children. Child safety minister (if putting kids on the pathway to chemical and physical castration is “child safety”) Di Farmer announced that Respectful Relationships would be compulsory in State high schools. This material contains a questionnaire which leads children to believe that it is a “myth” that people are born male or female.
Wilful sabotaging of the economy. Trad threw up every conceivable obstacle to the jobs-creating Adani mine until voters rebelled at the federal election, forcing a sudden backflip to approve the mine. To add insult to injury, news broke recently that the Palaszczuk cabinet is actively working to close down the coal industry. There seems to be no thought about the people who will be thrown out of work or the reduced police, hospitals, schools etc that Queensland will NOT be able to afford after the loss of $5 billion per year in coal royalties. The government also threw 140 people out of work by refusing to approve an extension to the Acland coal mine near Oakey. Three hundred jobs will be lost on the economically depressed Stradbroke Island after Trad prematurely closed the resources sector there.
Demonising farmers. The Government’s new “vegetation management” and “reef protection” laws bind famers in mind-numbingly unreasonable green tape. The vegetation management laws strip them of property rights while the reef laws add unreasonable costs to fix a problem that does not exist. That farmers were suffering in drought wasn’t enough, Labor had to kick them while they were down.
Integrity crisis. Jackie Trad’s failure to declare her Woolloongabba investment house near stations on the cross-river rail project which she was over-seeing earned her a wrap on the knuckles from the Corruption and Crime Commission. The CCC took it so seriously that they recommended changes so that next time what she did would be a criminal offense. All this makes Russ Hinze look like a boy scout.
Debt bomb. Queensland beautiful one day, broke the next is where we are heading. In fact that is the title of a new book recently released by respected Queensland economist Gene Tunny who says the state’s debt is rocketing towards an unsustainable $83 billion. This is an act of intergenerational theft and the government has no plans to reign it in, continuing to borrow heavily in the 2019-2020 budget.
The Palaszczuk-Trad government is tearing apart our social capital and white-anting our economy. A state with weakened families and fewer job prospects will quickly become a dystopia.
So bad a job have the Thelma and Louise of Australian politics done, that there is speculation Labor might switch them out with Kate Jones and Cameron Dick.
This however will just be lipstick on a pig as the whole ALP caucus is wedded to the radical green-left economic and social policies of West End.
Unless there is a change of government on October 31, 2020, Queensland risks becoming the Venezuela of the South Pacific.