It's eight days since the LNP declared its policy was for a "future beyond coal". The continued confusing messages and big talk and no action from well-intentioned Coalition politicians has prompted me to release this statement. We simply have to get common sense back into the energy debate.
Voter revolt only way to restore common sense to energy debate
The only way the Turnbull Government will change course on energy policy is for voters to revolt and vote for Conservative Party Senators at the next election, Conservative Party spokesman Lyle Shelton said today.
Mr Shelton’s comments came as the pro-coal Monash Forum released a fact sheet detailing almost 1500 coal-fired power stations under construction or being planned in Asia.
“Guess how many coal-fired power stations are under construction or planned for the country with some of the world’s biggest coal reserves?” Mr Shelton asked.
“Zilch. Zero. None.
“If Asia can generate affordable reliable electricity, why can’t we?
“Coalition voters tired of the valiant but fruitless efforts of powerless coalition backbenchers should send a message to the Turnbull government by installing principled conservatives in the Senate,” Mr Shelton said.
“We can help Tony Abbott, Keith Pitt and John Williams because the only language powerful elites understand is a threat to their power. That’s the only way we can keep our power on.
“Again, today we see a rump of well-intentioned Coalition backbenchers arguing for common-sense but being ignored by a government that is captured by political correctness.
“Again, today we see Coalition politicians talking big about Australia’s abundant coal and nuclear resources but no action.”
“The politically correct brigade are in charge of the Coalition’s energy policy and the only way to break this nexus is to vote Conservative in the Senate.
“Last week we saw the Liberal National Party winning plaudits from the green-left GetUp! organisation for its policy of a “future beyond coal”.
Mr Shelton said if Australia did not break free of politically correct elite control of our energy policy, electricity prices would continue to go up, electricity reliability would continue to deteriorate and jobs would go off-shore.
“It is a joke that the so-called National Energy Guarantee proposes that industry ration its electricity usage so the lights can be kept on.
“This is Third World stuff and it is unbelievable that such a job-destroying idea would even see the light of day,” Mr Shelton concluded.
Media contact: Lyle Shelton [email protected]