Why my case is a threat to the global child indoctrination agenda of LGBTIQA+ activists

Why my case is a threat to the global child indoctrination agenda of LGBTIQA+ activists

I’m back in court today in on-going lawfare waged against me by two anti-free-speech LGBTIQA+ drag queens.

I explain below what I found in the court documents which scares the LGBTIQA+ political lobby about my case.

But first a re-cap.

The drag queens, Dwayne Hill (aka Diamond Good Rim) and Johnny Valkyrie (a woman who identifies as a man) sued me in 2020 for “hate speech” and lost in a decision handed down in August last year by QCAT Member Jeremy Gordon.

However, they are appealing, and today’s hearing in the Queensland Civil and Administrative Appeals Tribunal before Judge Nicholas Loos will determine if additional evidence is allowed to be admitted against me.

The fuss started when I wrote a blog on my website lyleshelton.com.au about Hill and Valkyrie performing a drag queen story time event at a Brisbane City Council Library.

I said their promotion of gender fluid ideology and LGBTIQA+ sexual expressionism made them dangerous role models for children.

I stand by that.

There has been an epidemic of children reporting to child gender clinics in recent years confused about their biology, driven in large part by the indoctrination of children into LGBTIQA+ ideology.

As recently as last week, the Queensland and federal health ministers announced reviews into gender clinic practices of injecting children with puberty blockers and cross sex hormones.

A key insight into why Hill, Valkyrie and their taxpayer-funded law firm, the LGBT Legal Service, are fighting so hard is they believe my case will affect drag queen story time globally.

In their appeal submission filed last year, they say “the outcome of this appeal may affect future conduct of such events.”

In another document submitted to the tribunal, the drag queens are unashamed about their child-indoctrination agenda.

They state:

“The purpose of Drag Queen Story Time events is to promulgate a message of inclusivity and acceptance (of oneself and others) with respect to gender identities and sexual orientations that do not conform with hetero-normative or cis-normative standards.

“In essence, the ‘drag queen’ aspect of Drag Queen Story Time is a means through which this message of inclusivity and acceptance of people who identify as LGBTIQ+ (as well as the LGBTIQ+ community more broadly) can be communicated to children and families in an engaging way.”

I contend it is inappropriate for LGBTIQA+ activists to use taxpayer-funded spaces to breakdown in the minds of children mainstream values about marriage and family.

It is certainly inappropriate to be using public libraries to introduce 2–8-year-olds to harmful gender fluid ideology and “sexual orientations”.

At the January 2020 event, the drag queens were reading "Love Makes a Family" by Sophie Beer. While love does indeed make a family, only a man and a woman can make a baby.

But the opening page of Beer's book contains two men in bed. The book showcases motherless and fatherless families, as if it is morally right for children to be purposefully denied the love of their mother or father.

This is of course a grave injustice to children and is the main objection to changing the Marriage Act. But drag queen story time is one of the LGBTIQA+ political movement's key vehicles for brainwashing children in the idea that a mother or a father does not matter to them.

Today’s hearing is about admitting new evidence against me in the form of sworn affidavits from queer studies academics in Canada.

You can’t make this stuff up.

I’ll be back in court again on March 17 when three days have been set aside to hear the appeal itself.

I’m represented by the Human Rights Law Alliance which, unlike my opponents’ law firm, receives no taxpayer funds.

My legal defence, which over almost five years of litigation has run into hundreds of thousands of dollars, has been entirely funded by the generosity of freedom-loving Australians who have chipped in.

If you would like to help, please donate. Thank you!