My view is that those of us who support life should proactively introduce legislation that does seek to roll back some of the radical changes we have seen. – Senator Matt Canavan
Australia’s abortion industry has come out swinging against George Christensen’s “born alive” bill which would require medical care for babies who survive botched abortions.
The Mackay-based member of the Federal Parliament became aware this was happening after reading my book.
One of our big multi-national abortion mills has told the left-wing Crikey political newsletter that this is all a “myth” concocted by the pro-life movement.
“It’s a myth. He’s tabling a bill about a myth,” Cate Grindlay, Marie Stopes Australia’s executive director of nursing and clinical services told Crikey’s Tory Shepherd.
“We’ve got rigorous protocols for all the clinical procedures we provide in our clinics. [It] isn’t necessary because it describes a clinical situation that doesn’t exist.”
Grindlay might think it’s a myth but state Liberal MP’s Dr Mark Robinson from Queensland and Nick Goiran from Western Australia have had the figures provided by their health departments.
I wrote about their heroic parliamentary work exposing this travesty in my book, I Kid You Note – Notes from 20 Years in the Trenches of the Culture Wars.
Their figures, plus more from Victoria, were confirmed to Christensen by the Parliamentary Library in Canberra.
In WA, 27 babies had been born alive and left to die between 1999 and 2016.
In the 10 years to 2015, 204 Queensland babies died this way while 33 in Victorian perished after botched abortions between 2012 and 2016.
The ABC, not normally objective when it comes to human rights for unborn children, also reported this “myth” when Robinson first raised it in the Queensland Parliament back in 2016.
I’ve also hosted Australian speaking tours by two American women, Melissa Ohden and Gianna Jessen, who were born alive after botched abortions.
They are not “myths”. They walk among us. They were not meant to.
At Saturday’s March for Life in Brisbane, which was attended by more than 3000 people, Queensland Nationals Senator Matt Canavan pledged to keep pushing for Christensen’s bill to be passed if it fails before he leaves Parliament at the next election.
“We know it happens,” Canavan told the crowd.
In an interview with The Australian, Canavan said:
“My view is that those of us who support life should proactively introduce legislation that does seek to roll back some of the radical changes we have seen, especially for abortion laws in recent years.
“We have played a lot of defence trying to stop the decriminalisation of abortion but that has largely failed, and we are left with very radical abortion laws that do legalise abortion right up to birth and are allowing sex selection abortion.”
Grindlay is of course desperate to cancel discussion on this topic.
“The reason we must stop the bill is that it’s based on inaccurate information and it demonstrates a very poor understanding of sexual and reproductive healthcare,” she said. “It would simply create anti-choice debate in Parliament that’s not in the interests of safe and accessible healthcare.”
When did killing unborn children and harming their mothers become “healthcare”?
These are the euphemisms which cloak the dirty secrets of the abortion trade.
No wonder Big Abortion Inc doesn’t want a debate.
Sadly leftist media outlets like Crikey are happy to aid and abet the suppression of discussion of an issue that is far from settled.
Lyle Shelton is Director of Campaigns and Communications for the Christian Democratic Party. The Reverend Honourable Fred Nile MLC has nominated Lyle to succeed him in the NSW Parliament when he retires in November. To keep in touch with Lyle and the CDP, sign up here.