I was asked to make a short statement to the Senate’s Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee which was meeting in Canberra today to inquire into the Morrison Government’s Religious Discrimination Bill.
Thankyou Chair for the opportunity to make a short statement.
I am being sued by two LGBTIQ+ drag queens for saying they are dangerous role models for children.
My religious beliefs motivated me to speak up after drag queen story time in a public library.
One drag queen was a woman identifying as a man, the other a man identifying as a woman.
The woman was crowd funding on Facebook to have her breasts cut off, the man’s drag name referenced a homosexual sex act.
After writing a blog about the dangers of these role models to children, I was sued under Queensland’s vilification laws.
The aim is to shut down speech they don’t like using taxpayer-funded lawyers.
The case has so far cost me $70,000 in legal fees and almost two years of angst.
Despite warnings during the marriage plebiscite that this would happen, the bill before you does not protect those speaking up to protect children. Thankyou.
I only received one question which was a general question to all of us who were appearing on a panel and that related to whether or not the Religious Discrimination Bill was sufficient. I’ll look at the Hansard record tomorrow but I replied that I did not think the bill was sufficient because speaking up for the protection of children is not protected. I received no questions from Greens Senator Janet Rice and and Labor's Louise Pratt, both of whom were in attendance and both of whom are staunch supporters of gender fluid ideology.
Lyle Shelton is Director of Campaigns and Communications for the Christian Democratic Party. He appeared at the Senate inquiry in a personal capacity. To keep in touch with Lyle and the CDP, sign up here.