Back to court we go.
We don’t have free speech in this country.
So far it has cost north of $300,000.
I could not have afforded this.
But incredibly generous people – most of whom are not wealthy - donated to my legal defence after two LGBTIQA+ drag queens sued me.
We won.
Without these people, their prayers and an incredible legal team at the Human Rights Law Alliance, I would be in even bigger trouble.
I can’t thank them enough. I can’t repay them – although I think the drag queens should.
I went through this past weekend thinking I was clear of the 30-day appeal window.
Surely a three-year legal ordeal culminating in a three-day trail in a tribunal which included three-hours under cross examination by a Senior Counsel was enough.
That case ended with a 78-page decision by QCAT Member Jeremy Gordon dismissing the drag queens’ complaint and saying I had acted in good faith and had not vilified them on the basis of their gender identity or sexuality.
But on Friday evening, just hours before the deadline, Johnny Valkyrie – a woman who presents to little children as a man - and Dwayne Hill – a man who dresses as a hyper-sexualised woman in front of little children – filed an appeal.
Dwayne Hill and Johnny Valkyrie
The thought of more years of being dragged through tribunals and courts does not thrill me.
The process is definitely the punishment.
If politicians would do their job, our flawed anti-free speech anti-discrimination and anti-vilification laws could be reformed.
Activists with access to taxpayer funded LGBTI legal services should not be allowed to sue their fellow citizens because of hurt feelings in a bid to shut down discussion on matters of public importance.
They should debate, not litigate.
But Labor supports these laws along with most Liberals. So we have lost free speech.
The email signature block from the principal lawyer at the LGBTI Legal Service, who lodged the appeal notice, was a veritable lesson in woke.
It contained the mishmash rainbow/black lives matter/transgender identity politics flag along with a link to help “learn about pronouns”, which were “she, they”.
The country was of course acknowledged and below were another two flags – those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.
I guess with three flags to fit in one email signature block there was simply no room for the flag of the colonisers (aka the Australian national flag).
So I’m sitting down to read more legal documents and wonder how many more years this will take.
But it's made me more determined to keep building the Family First political party so we can get women and men elected to Parliaments who will fight for freedom, life and family.
The only way to fix this is to fix the law.
The only way to fix the law is to get people into to Parliament who will fight every day for freedom, for truth.
While we’ve been sleeping and politicians acquiescing, activists have been using the tools of democracy in the cause of oppression and lies.
It's time we started to pick up these same tools.
I hope what is happening to me and so many others (Kirralie Smith, Councillor Louise Elliot, Sal Grover, and Dr Jillian Spencer just to name a few) will serve as a wakeup call.
If we don’t have free speech, we don’t have a democracy and we don’t have a free nation.
That we have now lost these things will shock many. But it has happened.
You might not be interested in politics, but if you hold mainstream views, it is interested in you.