LGBTIQA+ activists seek to coerce church to their belief of “marriage”

LGBTIQA+ activists seek to coerce church to their belief of “marriage”

CHURCHES must be free to uphold Christian teaching on marriage, even if that upsets people who disagree.

At least, that’s what we were told during the 2017 same-sex marriage plebiscite.

But some same-sex-attracted people are determined to bend Christianity to suit their whims.

The latest example is a country church in the orthodox Armidale Diocese of the Anglican communion where a gay “married” couple are claiming discrimination.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports:

Organist and church musical director Peter Sanders, 57, and his husband Peter Grace, 61, who held an unpaid leadership role at St Mary’s Anglican Church, were told they would need to separate, be celibate and receive religious counselling if they were to continue in their positions in the West Armidale church.

However, a spokesman for the Diocese said:

The Anglican church in the Armidale Diocese, like the Lord Jesus, welcomes all who choose to come to church regardless of sexual orientation.

Involvement in positions of ministry or other leadership, like in many other Dioceses, is conditional upon church governance and agreeing to and complying with the Faithfulness In Service code.

The church’s position is totally uncontroversial. Freedom of religion and freedom of association, two great freedoms which have defined the West, have allowed groups to form around their ethos and beliefs.

It’s not for people with different beliefs to violate a group’s freedoms by insisting the group bows to them.

With the Morrison Government moving to bring its religious freedom bill to Parliament before Christmas, expect more stories in the media painting churches, Christian schools and organisations as bigoted discriminators.

It matters not to the LGBTIQA+ political lobby that they promised the Australian people churches would remain free if same-sex marriage was passed.

Now they want to coerce everyone to their belief about the definition of marriage.

That wasn’t the deal.

Lyle Shelton is Director of Campaigns and Communications for the Christian Democratic Party. The Reverend Honourable Fred Nile MLC has nominated Lyle to succeed him in the NSW Parliament when he retires in November. To keep in touch with Lyle and the CDP, sign up here.