The UNICEF report proposes that “differences in individual children’s level of maturity and evolving capacities . . . would come...
I cannot forget that the most civilised and enlightened society in Europe, which wiped out six million of my people...
The most anti-life President in US history?
You will find this children’s video shocking for its insidiousness.
This week the Australian Government says people with a penis can identify as women, I kid you not. I interview...
Children suffering from confusion about their bodies should be afforded nothing but love and support but they should not be...
Why is this happening under a Coalition government?
This week I take a look at the US Supreme Court case which could spell the beginning of the end...
It’s not Folau they are trying to cancel, it’s the Gospel of Jesus Newsflash: the Bible’s idea of sin is...
Coal king Xi Jinping must be laughing as the kids blame Scott Morrison Hypocrisy in the Hunter by-election Woke kids...
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