If the Coalition won’t fix this, who will?
Tasmanian Liberal Senator Claire Chandler’s campaign to save girl’s and women’s sport from incursion from biological males needs our support.
She is one of the most courageous voices in Australian politics taking on the might of radical LGBTIQA+ political activists.
In a fundraising email to her supporters this week, she savaged the Sex Discrimination Act which makes it illegal for sporting organisations to protect girls’ and women’s sport from biological males.
Australia’s current Sex Discrimination Act means that activists can threaten sports clubs and volunteers with legal action if they offer single-sex sport for women and girls.
It’s this poorly drafted law that allows Sport Australia and the Australian Human Rights Commission to claim that sport should be based on “self-affirmed gender identity” rather than biological sex.
The death knell for girl’s and women’s sport was sounded in 2013 when the Gillard Government amended the SDA to include the words “gender identity” and “sexual orientation”, meaning discrimination became illegal against someone who self-identified as someone of the opposite sex.
Julia Gillard, best known for her mis-directed “misogyny speech”, enabled the ultimate misogyny against girls and women by enabling blokes to crush them in sports.
It is of course common sense to discriminate against biological males who wish to compete against girls and women.
But our woke elites have convinced our politicians to take leave of common sense.
The passing of same-sex marriage, four years ago today, further weaponised the SDA against people who speak and act for common sense on marriage and gender.
The Coalition opposed the 2013 change but like so many gains made by the radical left and the libertarian right, damaging legislation is never unwound, despite eight years in power.
The Coalition rarely has the will and courage to fight for what is right.
It beggars belief that Senator Chandler, a government member, has to resort to crowd funding to build a campaign to save girl’s and women’s sport.
If this is not core business for a Coalition Government, what is?
Having watched LGBTIQA+ activists march through Labor and now the Liberals and Nationals during my 10 years with Australian Christian Lobby, I am not surprised at the Coalition’s inaction. Saddened, but not surprised.
Senator Chandler’s plight underscores the urgent need for a Christian political movement that will not compromise on truth, something to which the CDP aspires if it can get through its current difficulties. (Please pray for the CDP).
In the meantime, please support Senator Chandler’s quest. This is not about party brands because the cause must always be the cause.
Lyle Shelton is Director of Campaigns and Communications for the Christian Democratic Party. To keep in touch with Lyle and the CDP, sign up here.