"...they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator." -...
Professor Ian Plimer says the Greens are not saving the planet, they are killing people. He's Lyle's guest on this...
“…the grounds on which one might mount a compelling argument against them (paedophilia and incest) have already been conceded by...
Are there any curious journalists out there?
I was asked to make a short statement to the Senate’s Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee which was meeting...
Djokovic was made an example of for political reasons.
Anthony Albanese and the ABC tried to cancel my friend George Christensen because of his Pandemic Unmasked podcast. So I...
Australia needs less political conflict, not more.
The only question is how long this cultural moment lasts and how much damage it does while we are going...
The LGBTIQA+ gender pantomime rolls on and its only January.
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